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الاسئلة الشائعة حول أجهزة السير المكتبية

 ‘المشي هو افضل دواء للانسان’ هذا ما قاله ابقراط (c. 460 – c. 370 BC)

ولكن ماذا لو كانت حياتنا العصرية واقفة بيننا وبين هذا الدواء؟

هل ينبغي علينا التخلص من كل هذا التقدم الذي وفرته  لنا التكنولوجيا والعودة إلى طريقة الحياة النشيطة التي كان يعيش بها أسلافنا منذ مائتي سنة؟


تبني الابتكارات التي تساعدناعلى الحركة البدنية و النشاط أكثر في بيئتنا العصرية؟ ….  يعد جهاز المشي المكتبي أحد هذه الابتكارات و إليك الأجوبة عن أكثر الاسئلة شيوعا حول هذا الابتكار:

1- ما هو جهاز المشي المكتبي؟

إنه جهاز مصمم لمساعدة مستخدميه على الجلوس أقل والمشي أكثر أثناء العمل أو التعلم. الطريقة البدائية من هذا الإبتكارشملت مكتب مع  جهاز للركض في آن معا و بذلك حصلنا على جهاز المشي المكتبي. و لكن مع مرور الوقت تم تطوير هذا الجهاز ليشمل المزيد من الميزات ليمكَن مستخدميه من المشي و العمل معا.  تتضمن هذه الميزات :

  • جهاز المشي قادر على العمل لساعات طويلة بسرعة منخفضة.
  •  مزود بنظام ادارة الكابلات الداخلية.
  •  مزود بمسند للذراع و وحدة تحكم.
  • لا يصدر أصوات عالية  ليتلائم مع بيئة عمل هادئة والتواصل.
  • مزود بعداد الخطوات.
  • . Intelli-Guard™ مزود بتقنية الامان

ما الهدف من مكتب جهاز المشي؟

الهدف منه هو إيجاد حل للمشاكل التي نواجهها في حياتنا اليومية, إليك بعض السيناريوهات:

  1. عملك يتتطلب منك الجلوس أمام الشاشة لمدة طويلة مما قد يسبب آثار سلبية على صحتك.
  2. جلوسك لمدة طويلة يجعلك تشعر بالقلق أو الاكتئاب.
  3. رغبتك القيام بعمل مفيد مثل التعلم عن بعد أو الكتابة أثناء المشي .
  4. اصابتك بآلام الظهرالناتجة عن جلوسك المستمر أمام جهاز الكومبيوتر.
  5. رغبتك بخسارة الوزن ولكن الجلوس الطويل يجعلك تشعر بالجوع أكثرفينتهي بك المطاف بالإكثار من الأكل و حرقٍ أقل للدهون.
  6.  ملاحظتك بظهور أعراض قصور الانتباه و فرط الحركة عندك.
  7. الخ…

هل  من الفعل يمكنك استخدام جهاز المشي المكتبي للمشي و العمل معا في نفس الوقت؟

هنالك الالاف من الناس وجدوا بعد استخدامه أنه الحل المثالي لمشاكلهم الصحية و العملية. فإن كان حقا فعال عند الآخرين فلماذا لا ينفعنك أنت أيضاً ؟

هل لا يزال بإمكانك أن تزيد إنتاجيتك أثناء استخدام مكتب جهاز المشي؟

بضبطك للسرعة التي تناسبك , يزيد من تركيزك بالعمل دون أن تشعر بأنك تمشي. و للعلم لقد قمت بكتابة هذه المقالة و أنا أعمل على هذا الجهاز فمن الواضح أنه يمكنني إنجاز أعمالي بنجاح وممارسة الرياضة في نفس الوقت.

إنني امارس الرياضة ساعة في اليوم, فما الحاجة لاستخدام جهاز المشي المكتبي؟

الهدف من منضدة المشي هو إدخال المزيد من الحركة و النشاط على حياتنا بصورة سهلة و عملية أثناء القيام بالعمل أو التعلم. فلهذا إن كنت تمارس الرياضة ساعة في اليوم وتقضي الساعات المتبقية من اليوم جالسا, فأنت لا تتحرك بما فيه الكفاية. فلصحتك لا تجلس ساكناً.

كم من الوقت يجب علي ان اقضيه على جهاز المشي المزود بمنضدة العمل؟

المدة تعتمد على قدرتك. تذكر ليس من المهم القيام بالمشي في جلسة واحدة يمكنك التبديل بين الجلوس و السير عدة مرات في اليوم وحاول ان تقوم بالسير أربع مرات في اليوم لمدة 30 دقيقة في كل مرة. فالأهم هو أن جهاز المشي المكتبي يضمن بقائك منتجاً أكثر أثناء نشاطك الدائم و حركتك المستمرة.

ما هو أفضل نوع جهاز من أجهزة المشي المكتبية؟

نحن نفضل استخدام جهاز لايف سبان و هوالجهاز الرائد في الاسواق حاليا بسبب أنه مصمم بطريقة تلائم مكان العمل و يقدم حلا كاملا بالإضافة الى جودته العالية وسعره المنافس.

ما هو حجم جهاز منضدة المشي؟

يختلف حجم الجهاز باختلاف طرازه فمثلا معظم أجهزة لايف سبان تتطلب مساحة بطول مترين تقريبا و عرض متر واحد.

ما هي تكلفة جهاز المشي المكتبي؟

التكلفة تعتمد على الطراز المراد اختياره.

كيف يمكنني إنشاء جهاز المشي المزود بمكتب عمل؟

إذا كنت جادا بإضافة الحركة البدنية لحياتك فإننا ننصحك بأن لا تضيع وقتك و جهدك ببناء جهازك الخاص و اتشتري الحل الكامل المصمم خصيصا لهذا الغرض والذي يدوم لسنوات.

هل جهاز المشي المكتبي ناجح ؟

إننا نعتبر أن جهاز السير المكتبي هو الطريقة المثالية لضمان الحركة و النشاط أثناء العمل أو التعلم و ضمان زيادة الانتاجية والتفكيرالابداعي ولربما الذكاء و الحل للعديد من المشاكل الصحية مثل آلام الظهر و التعب والخمول فمن التأكيد ستجد هذا الجهازمن أفضل الاستثمارات التي تقوم بها في حياتك.



Nour Alamaldeen

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How to build the perfect stay active treadmill desk walking workstation while working from home?

How to build the perfect stay active treadmill desk walking workstation while working from home?

1- A functional workplace equipment such as a treadmill desk or a bike desk. I recommend treadmill desks.

2- A height adjustable desk so you can pick a height that allows you to look straight not down.

3- A large enough screen for you see letters without the need to lean forward.

4- A stool / chair so you can take breaks

5- USB / wireless keyboard and mouse so you don’t have to use the small laptop keyboard.

6- A will to stay active

7- A way to get feedback to track your progress and stay motivated. It feels great to see the number of steps and the distance you completed at the end of the day.

Like many of you, i spend many hours a day in front of screens to work, learn or get some entertainment. I did all those things in my twenties and thirties sitting on a chair hunched over a laptop.

Overtime it caused me several health problems. Now, i still spend as much time in front of screens but i altered my environment to support more physical activity and it has changed my life in so many ways which i will leave to a future post.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Treadmill Desks 

‘Walking is man’s best medicine! ‘ Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC)

But what if our modern living is standing between us and this best medicine?

Should we ditch all this progress that technology brought us and go back to living the way people were living two hundred years ago to be more active?

or ..

Come up with innovations to help us move more in our modern environment? … A treadmill desk is one such innovation and here are the answers to your questions about it:

What is a treadmill desk workstation? 

A treadmill desk workstation is an equipment designed to help users sit less and walk more while they work or learn. In it’s basic version, you combine a standing desk with an exercise treadmill to get a treadmill desk. However, over the years the design improved to include more features to accommodate walking while working. Such features include:

  • A treadmill that can handle low speeds for long hours.
  • Internal cable management system
  • Integrated Armrest and Console
  • Quiet operation to stay respectful of coworkers
  • Integrated Step Counting
  • Intelli-Guard™ Safety Technology

Why use a treadmill desk? 

There are many good reasons for someone to add treadmill desk to your lifestyle. Here are some scenarios:

  • Your job requires you to sit behind a screen for a long time and you are concerned about the health implications of that.
  • You noticed that sitting for too long gets you to feel anxious and depressed.
  • You love to do something else while walking such as taking an online course or writing a book.
  • You have back pain because of hunching over a computer all day.
  • You want to loss weight and sitting makes you more hungry so you end up eating more and burning less
  • You experience ADHD like symptoms
  • etc…

Does a treadmill desk work? 

Thousands of people use it and find it extremely helpful. If it works for them, then why will not work for you?

Can you still be productive while using a treadmill desk? 

At a convenient speed, you might forget that you are walking and you can still be fully immersed in whatever you are working on. I wrote this article while walking, so obviously i can think and type while using it.

I do an hour of exercise everyday, why would i use a treadmill desk for? 

With a treadmill desk, the goal is to sit less during the day. If you exercise for one hour and spend the remaining hours of the day sitting, then you are not moving enough. Intermittent movement is important for health.

How much walking should i do on a treadmill desk? 

It depends on your abilities. Remember that you don’t need to do all the walking in one session. You can switch between sitting and walking several times a day. Your goal can be something like: walking for 30 minutes 04 times a day. The best part is you can still be productive during this time.

Which is the best treadmill desk? 

We love LifeSpan treadmill desks and it’s the market leader for a reason. It’s designed with workplace in mind and it offers a complete solution with a great quality for an affordable price.

How big is a treadmill desk? 

It depends on the model, but the standard LifeSpan treadmill desk requires a space of approximately two meters in length and one meter in width for the whole solution.

How much does a treadmill desk cost?

It depends on the model you choose.

How to build a treadmill desk? 

If you are serious about adding a treadmill desk to your life then don’t waste your time and money. Buy a complete solution that’s designed for the purpose and would last you for years to come.

Is treadmill desk worth it? 

If you add all the health benefits of walking and avoiding prolonged sitting with the increase in productivity, creativity and maybe intelligence, then it might be one of the best investments you will make in your life.

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What is the #LearnAndMove Challenge?

We launched the #LearnAndMove challenge on LinkedIn during the Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown. The idea is to motivate people to use the extra time they have at home to do something productive that can help their future selves. Working on improving ourselves is also a great way to stay positive in addition to the amazing health benefits of physical activity in general.

You don’t need to buy a treadmill desk or a bike desk to join the challenge. Although it make your Learn and Move experience much easier. All you need is a space at home where you can move freely in front of a computer or TV screen. There are many online learning platforms that offer courses offered by experts or universities. Examples include: Coursera, Udemy, Linkedin Learning and many other…

To see the challenge in action visit #LearnAndMove

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11 Creative Ways in Which Functional Equipment Can Help Your Business

Adding functional furniture such as treadmill desks and bike desks is increasingly becoming part of the corporate wellness plan of many companies. However there are many other ways in which functional furniture can be utilized by companies to achieve other business goals beyond achieving corporate wellness goals.

Here are eleven other ways where adding functional furniture can help your business:

  1. In waiting areas to improve customer experience. Adding functional furniture to a standard waiting area seats can help your customers make a better use of their time by burning few calories on a treadmill or bike desk while getting some work done on their laptops. It tells them you care about them and they are less likely to get angry if the wait is long.
  2. In classrooms: colleges, learning centers and even high schools can add them to existing classrooms. Students and especially those hyperactive ones will appreciate it and may find improving the learning experiance. We developed the system to solve the problem of prolonged sitting that students experience in classrooms. This can be another way to solve that problem.
  3. In gym’s warmup area: Busy professionals might not signup to a gym because of time constraints but if you give them a chance to do some work while they warm up then they might consider it.
  4. In creative teams work area: use it to help your creative team come up with ideas. Walking can help people come up with creative ideas. I wrote this list while walking.
  5. In airport gates or even on airplanes: It’s well established that long flights are associated with deep vein thrombosis which can become life threatening. Most people spend one to two hours sitting in an airport gate waiting to board a flight. Airports can add functional furniture to help travelers get physically active before a flight.
  6. In hotel’s business lounge: most hotels offer work/business centers with several workstations for their guests to work from while traveling. Adding workstations equipped with a treadmill or bike can be very  attractive to frequent business travelers.
  7. In reception area: receptionists are often the first person that people have contact with when getting in touch with a company and their first impression of the business are based on their experience with this individual. Receptionists jobs demand staying behind a desk for long hours which overtime takes a toll on thier energy level and mood. Giving a receptionist to switch between sitting and walking or cycling without leaving their desk can make a huge difference in how visitors would perceive your business.
  8. In Airbnb listings as part of amenities.
  9. In telemarketers and cold callers rooms: Walking at slow speed lowers anxiety level thus making your telemarketers sound more relaxed on the phone. The opposite can be said when you leave them stuck sitting for long hours behind a desk with targets to achieve.
  10. In bookstore & libraries: giving readers the ability to read and move at the same time.
  11. In coffee shops: Why not meet a friend, enjoy a coffee and walk or pedal at the same time?


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How to Convert a Standing Desk to Treadmill Desk

Switching between sitting and standing is much better than sitting all the time at work but walking is the best for health. Standing desks became popular in the past few years but some of its users find it harsh on their joints to stand for long time which is why we recommend adding walking as a way to ease the pressure on the joints.

You don’t need to buy the whole treadmill desk station if you already have an existing standing desk. Our treadmill bases can fit under any standing desk giving you the ability to start walking right away without the need to change your desk. The treadmill base comes with a control console that should be placed on top of the existing desk to control the treadmill giving you the ability to monitor the time, step count, calories, distance and speed.

Our treadmill base is the perfect solution for those who already have a standing desk that they no longer use but still would like to avoid prolonged sitting. You can place your order for one of our treadmill bases here : Treadmill Bases

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Corporate Wellness Partner of The Year Finalist


Move To Excellence named finalist in Daman Corporate Health Awards 2018. 

Move To Excellence has been selected as one of the finalists in the annual Daman Corporate Health Awards, a program that recognises wellness initiatives in the work place in the UAE. 

Out of thousands of entries, Move to Excellence was selected by an esteemed panel of judges in the Corporate Wellness Partner of the Year Award category. 

“It’s an honour for us at Move to Excellence to be recognized for being a leading corporate wellness partner in the region. We believe in promoting physical activity in the workplace through our innovative solutions to counteract the negative effects of sedentary office environments. Prolonged sitting such as at a desk is associated with poorer health outcomes, including an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity and neck and back pain. Some studies even suggest it to be a major risk factor for some types of cancer and mental illness.” Said A.J Sahloul, Director – Wellness & Learning Innovations  

Move to Excellence is a provider of innovative Wellness and Learning solutions such as treadmill desks, bike desks and standing desks. It also supports active learning with its proprietary system In 2018, Move to Excellence supported the Department of Health in its 10k steps challenge.   

“This year, we received yet another overwhelming response from the market with a 19% increase in entries from last year – a testament to the increasing number of companies in the UAE which are recognising the value and importance of having wellness programmes in the workplace,” said John Emmerson, Events Director, MEED, the leading business intelligence provider in the Middle East and organisers of the annual awards programme. 

Organised by MEED, the prestigious awards programme is supported by Health and Wellness partners Fruitful Day; as well as our headline sponsor, Daman. 

The full list of finalists is available online at The final set of winners will be announced on 24 October 2018 at The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort. 



About MEED  

MEED is a senior management media brand, its flagship subscription products are the MEED Business Review publication and website, As well as organising the MEED Projects Awards, Gulf Capital SME Awards, Daman Corporate Health Awards and the Arabian Hotel Investment Conference (AHIC). 

MEED also has two high-value content businesses, MEED Projects and MEED Premium Insight Reports. MEED Projects is the Middle East’s premium project tracking database and MEED Premium Insight Reports offer tailored research and in-depth analysis. Established in 1957, MEED, has been integral to delivering business information and news, intelligence and analysis on the Middle East economies and activities ever since.

MEED celebrated its 60th birthday in 2017. From small beginnings in a London flat on 8 March 1957, MEED has grown with the region, to become the Middle East’s most-trusted source of business information. 


Headline Sponsor  

About National Health Insurance Company – Daman  

The National Health Insurance Company – Daman is the region’s leading specialised health insurer, providing comprehensive health insurance solutions to more than 3 million members in the UAE. 

Over the years, the company has been the partner of choice for a number of the country’s most prominent organisations and multinational companies in various industries including oil and gas, aerospace, energy, construction, investments and media. 

Daman, a pioneer in health care insurance, drives innovation through a combination of state-of-the-art technology and healthcare-related expertise offered by a highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Members benefit from added value through unique offerings such as the disease and case management programmes as part of the acclaimed Health Support services. Daman also operates a 24/7 customer call centre and has a medical services authorisation team in direct contact with Daman’s network of healthcare providers. It also provides a diverse range of online services that are unmatched in the UAE. 

Daman has set high standards in the health insurance industry and has been awarded a number of internationally recognised awards and quality-focused certifications in a relatively short span of time. 

For more information about National Health Insurance Company – Daman please visit Daman’s website at

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Treadmill Desks – Ten Myths Explained

The Academy of Royal Medical Colleges describes physical activity as a “miracle cure” able to treat or prevent a range of conditions, from cancer to dementia.

The following myths are stopping people and businesses from increasing physical activity in the workplace using treadmill desks:

1 – It’s for CEOs and senior management. 

Whilst it’s true that most treadmill desks end up in senior managements’ offices, these are not the people who need it the most. Sitting is bad for everybody but senior managers usually have flexibility to move around more; checking on the business and meeting people outside the office. Most of them don’t have to stay stagnant like standard employees – spending the day working in front of computer screens or sitting down at desks.

2- It will replace my desk and i will walk all day. 

A treadmill desk is not a replacement for a normal desk. It’s there to be shared by several employees to take short walking breaks. An employee can take a 30 minutes walking break and then go back to his/her desk. In such instances, walking helps circulation and lessens the tension on muscles such as the neck and back.

3- It’s expensive to buy treadmill desks for everybody.

You don’t need to buy a treadmill desk for each employee. Ideally a company will create an active zone with one or more treadmill desks. These desks can be equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Any employee can simply bring their laptop – start walking and working.

4- There is not enough space. 

A treadmill desk only require a 2 M * 1 M area. Most offices have unused spaces which a treadmill desk can fit into. We are happy to advise.

5- It’s for those wanting to lose weight or get fit.

No. You might start losing a little weight and get fitter if you add more walking to your day but that’s not the goal of using a treadmill desk. The goal is to avoid the damage done to the body when we sit for too long. Read more…

6- Walking will distract from work and lower productivity

This is not true and it’s been tested. If you walk at a low comfortable speed then you will not be distracted. In fact, the tension generated from sitting too long is what distracts many people and prevents them from fully focusing. Read more..

7- It’s an optional luxury.

No, it’s a necessity. In fact it should be a right, especially for those who have administrative jobs that require sitting for extended periods of time. Companies pay employees for their time and work; not for damaging their health. A good salary cannot compensate for damage done to the body.

8- Using a treadmill desk will get me sweaty at work. 

No. Treadmill desks are designed for low speed – there is a maximum that you can’t go above and with ACs all around, a 30 minutes walking break will not break a sweat.

9- I go to the gym after work so I don’t need short walks in the office. 

In a recent statement, the American Heart Association warned that exercise doesn’t undo the health effects of excessive sitting. Read more..

10- It’s bad for back and posture. 

False. Treadmill desks can be height adjusted so if you pick the correct height it will be much easier to maintain a good posture whilst walking than sitting. Also studies showed treadmill desks potentially help in reducing neck and shoulder pain associated with computer work. Read more..

More health related articles

Please visit our website

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10 أسباب مهمة للحصول على واحد لمكتبك | عشرة أسباب مهمة لإقتنائه للمكتب

  1. يحسن الصحة | لتحسين الصحة
  2. يعزز الإنتاجية | زيادة التطريز
  3. يعزز الإبداع |
  4. يحمي وضعيتك الصحية | حماية الجلوس الصحي
  5. يساعدك على فقدان الوزن | يساعد على خسارة الوزن
  6. يعطيك أجنحة (طاقة) | زيادة النشاط
  7. قد يخفف من قلقك | بخاخ القلق
  8. يحسن قدرتك على التعلم | يحسن قدرتك على التعلم
  9. يجعلك أكثر سعادة | يجعلك أسعد
  10. يساعدك على النوم بشكل أفضل | يحسن النوم

لقراءة مقالات حول فوائد المشي وخطر الجلوس لفترة طويلة ، يمكنك زيارة صفحة المقالات الخاصة بنا

تقوم الشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم بإنشاء مناطق نشطة في مكاتبها حيث يمكن للموظفين مشاركة وقت العمل في مكتب جهاز المشي أو مكتب الدراجات. تخيل ما سيحدث لجسمك إذا قضيت ساعة أو ساعتين تتحرك في العمل بدلًا من الجلوس. اطلب من قسم الموارد البشرية لديك أن يكون استباقيًا ويساعدك على الانتقال إلى التميز .

الكثير من المكاتب في أنحاء العالم أوجدت أماكن العمل في استخدمها. تخيل فوائد أن تمشي لساعة أو ساعتين في الدوام. تواصل مع إدارة الموارد البشرية في شركتك و انصحهم أن يساعدو يساعدهم بجعل مكان العمل صحياً أكثر.