News & Health Articles

University of Minnesota study: Walking while working improves health, may boost productivity

“Moving throughout the day helps combat the effect of what has been dubbed the ‘sitting disease,’ where too much sitting in the day can lead to other health problems,” said Mark A. Pereira, Ph.D. a University of Minnesota School of Public Health epidemiologist. “Standing desks and treadmill desks have tremendous potential towards improving health, fitness, and preventing a variety of very costly chronic diseases and conditions.”

CNN: Diabetes: Yet another reason to get out of that chair

Last year we learned from a scientific review of 47 studies that this sedentary behavior increases your chances of getting a disease or condition that will kill you even if you exercise. Now a new study from the Netherlands running in the journal Diabetologia suggests that even an extra 40 minutes of couch potato behavior will dramatically increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

أمر تقوم به يومياً يعد رابع مسبب للموت عالمياً… ما هو؟

أظهرت دراسة هولندية حديثة، على أن زيادة فترة الجلوس لـ 40 دقيقة يتسبب بزيادة كبيرة في إمكانية الإصابة بمرض السكري من النمط الثاني. 

وتوصل الباحثون إلى هذا الاكتشاف من خلال اختبار مستويات الغلوكوز في الدم للمشاركين في البحث لثمانية أيام. وجلس غالبية الـ 2497 مشاركاً في البحث لتسع ساعات على الأقل يومياً. وكلّما زادت فترة الجلوس لساعة إضافية، تزيد إمكانية تطور مرض السكري النمط الثاني لدى المشاركين بـ 22 بالمائة، وإمكانية الإصابة بمتلازمة الأيض بنسبة 39 بالمائة.

Mayo Clinic: What are the risks of sitting too much?

Any extended sitting — such as behind a desk at work or behind the wheel — can be harmful. What’s more, spending a few hours a week at the gym or otherwise engaged in moderate or vigorous activity doesn’t seem to significantly offset the risk.

The Guardian: Sitting down at work is no worse for you than standing up, study claims

“Any stationary posture where energy expenditure is low may be detrimental to health, be it sitting or standing,” said Melvyn Hillsdon from Exeter’s sport and health sciences department.

Gulf News Health: Exercise at work? More people getting fit at their desks

At LifeSpan Fitness, based in Salt Lake City, sales of treadmill desks more than tripled over 2012, said Peter Schenk, company president.

“We don’t see the growth slowing down for several years as right now we are just moving from early adopters, which are educated and highly health conscious, to more mainstream users,” Schenk said.

Independent: The age of inactivity: How laziness is killing us

An awareness of the pitfalls of physical inactivity are important to know, yes, but the overwhelmingly positive effects that physical activity has on our lives is a far, far superior means to encourage us towards exercise.

Healio: Study examines use of treadmill workstations to reduce neck, shoulder muscle pain

This showed treadmill work stations are potentially helpful in reducing the neck and shoulder muscle pain associated with computer work, according to the release.

Some suggestions that could be used to help people be more active at work are treadmill and height adjustable desks, which allow users to alternate between standing and sitting. Indeed, Dr Mark Tully himself regularly uses his treadmill desk during his working day.

Forbes: It’s Not Obesity We Should Worry About, It’s Inactivity

This lack of exercise comes despite the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges describing physical activity as a “miracle cure” able to treat or prevent a range of conditions, from cancer to dementia.

Neuroscience: the next great source of competitive advantage

Movement also engages the brain. A study found that those who worked from a treadmill desk were 34.9 percent more likely to answer a comprehension question correctly compared to those who sat in a chair.

Step It Up! The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities

On your feet: GrayRobinson firm adds to growing trend of standing desks

How I lost over 20 pounds without going on a diet or going to the gym (more)

Review: Why the office treadmill desk can fight your sitting blahs