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How to build the perfect stay active treadmill desk walking workstation while working from home?

How to build the perfect stay active treadmill desk walking workstation while working from home?

1- A functional workplace equipment such as a treadmill desk or a bike desk. I recommend treadmill desks.

2- A height adjustable desk so you can pick a height that allows you to look straight not down.

3- A large enough screen for you see letters without the need to lean forward.

4- A stool / chair so you can take breaks

5- USB / wireless keyboard and mouse so you don’t have to use the small laptop keyboard.

6- A will to stay active

7- A way to get feedback to track your progress and stay motivated. It feels great to see the number of steps and the distance you completed at the end of the day.

Like many of you, i spend many hours a day in front of screens to work, learn or get some entertainment. I did all those things in my twenties and thirties sitting on a chair hunched over a laptop.

Overtime it caused me several health problems. Now, i still spend as much time in front of screens but i altered my environment to support more physical activity and it has changed my life in so many ways which i will leave to a future post.

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Treadmill Desks – Ten Myths Explained

The Academy of Royal Medical Colleges describes physical activity as a “miracle cure” able to treat or prevent a range of conditions, from cancer to dementia.

The following myths are stopping people and businesses from increasing physical activity in the workplace using treadmill desks:

1 – It’s for CEOs and senior management. 

Whilst it’s true that most treadmill desks end up in senior managements’ offices, these are not the people who need it the most. Sitting is bad for everybody but senior managers usually have flexibility to move around more; checking on the business and meeting people outside the office. Most of them don’t have to stay stagnant like standard employees – spending the day working in front of computer screens or sitting down at desks.

2- It will replace my desk and i will walk all day. 

A treadmill desk is not a replacement for a normal desk. It’s there to be shared by several employees to take short walking breaks. An employee can take a 30 minutes walking break and then go back to his/her desk. In such instances, walking helps circulation and lessens the tension on muscles such as the neck and back.

3- It’s expensive to buy treadmill desks for everybody.

You don’t need to buy a treadmill desk for each employee. Ideally a company will create an active zone with one or more treadmill desks. These desks can be equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Any employee can simply bring their laptop – start walking and working.

4- There is not enough space. 

A treadmill desk only require a 2 M * 1 M area. Most offices have unused spaces which a treadmill desk can fit into. We are happy to advise.

5- It’s for those wanting to lose weight or get fit.

No. You might start losing a little weight and get fitter if you add more walking to your day but that’s not the goal of using a treadmill desk. The goal is to avoid the damage done to the body when we sit for too long. Read more…

6- Walking will distract from work and lower productivity

This is not true and it’s been tested. If you walk at a low comfortable speed then you will not be distracted. In fact, the tension generated from sitting too long is what distracts many people and prevents them from fully focusing. Read more..

7- It’s an optional luxury.

No, it’s a necessity. In fact it should be a right, especially for those who have administrative jobs that require sitting for extended periods of time. Companies pay employees for their time and work; not for damaging their health. A good salary cannot compensate for damage done to the body.

8- Using a treadmill desk will get me sweaty at work. 

No. Treadmill desks are designed for low speed – there is a maximum that you can’t go above and with ACs all around, a 30 minutes walking break will not break a sweat.

9- I go to the gym after work so I don’t need short walks in the office. 

In a recent statement, the American Heart Association warned that exercise doesn’t undo the health effects of excessive sitting. Read more..

10- It’s bad for back and posture. 

False. Treadmill desks can be height adjusted so if you pick the correct height it will be much easier to maintain a good posture whilst walking than sitting. Also studies showed treadmill desks potentially help in reducing neck and shoulder pain associated with computer work. Read more..

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10 important reasons to get one for your office | عشرة أسباب مهمة لإقتنائه للمكتب

  1. It Improves health | لتحسين الصحة
  2. It boosts productivity | زيادة الإنتاجية بالعمل
  3. It boosts creativity |زيادة الفكر الابداعي
  4. It protects your healthy posture | حماية الجلوس الصحي
  5. It helps you loss weight | يساعد على خسارة الوزن
  6. It gives you wings (energy) | زيادة النشاط
  7. It may relieve your anxiety | يساهم بتخفيف القلق
  8. It improves your ability to learn | يحسن قدرتك على التعلم
  9. It makes you happier | يجعلك أسعد
  10. It helps you sleep better | يحسن النوم

To read articles about the benefits of walking and the danger of sitting for too long you can visit our Articles Page

Companies around the world are creating active zones in their offices where employees can share time working on a treadmill desk or a bike desk. Imagine what will happen to your body if you spend an hour or two moving at work instead of sitting. Ask your HR department to be proactive and help you Move To Excellence.

الكثير من الشركات في أنحاء العالم أوجدت أماكن في مكاتبها للحركة حيث يضعون بعض أجهزة المشي المكتبي ليتشارك زملاء العمل في استخدمها. تخيل فوائد أن تمشي لساعة أو ساعتين في الدوام و أنت تعمل. تواصل مع إدارة الموارد البشرية في شركتك و انصحهم أن يساعدو موظفيهم بجعل مكان العمل صحياً أكثر.